52 Books, 52 Weeks, 52 Women.
52 Weeks, 52 Books, 52 (mostly) Women is my attempt to shine a light on female authors. There are lot of wonderful women out there who write great books, but the coverage in the ever dwindling review pages is out of balance. This is my small contribution to redressing that imbalance. You can listen to the companion podcast on iTunes, 60dB, SpareMin, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Tune-In.
"The H-Spot: The Feminist Pursuit of Happiness"
Jill Filipovic discusses her provocative new book.
"The Windfall"
Diksha Basu talks about her debut novel that examines the changes that come to a family as a result of becoming rich. A wonderful, astute observation of the new rich in modern day India.
"Bluebird, Bluebird"
Attica Locke on her new character, Texas Ranger Darren Mathews and race, law enforcement and the deep deep roots of the black community in East Texas.